Bicycle Ambulance

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I met Neves at his home tonight.  He is now 8 years old according to his mother.  He is very thin and his skin was very dry and rough.  His scalp was covered with thick dried crusts from his scalp weeping and oozing.  Flies continued to bother him in the scalp due to the odor.  I was dissappointed at his appearance as it was worse than my visit 2 years ago.  On the positive side he was still much better than the first time I saw him.  I reviewed treatment and the importance that this is a chronic life long problem and treatment needs to be continued.  I left some medication and will leave instructions to pick up further medication for infection and inflammation reduction with Care for Life who will visit him again in a week or 2 to deliver the rest of his treatment.   
Neves and his parents .  Neve means snow in Portugueese with Neves being plural or a lot of snow.  I am not sure if Neves is his Surname or first name but his father does call him Neves.  Tomorrow will by my last training session in the morning and I will be off to catch a flight back to the US.  I will miss my friends in Mozambique.


  1. Looks like you've had a safe and interesting journey, Dad! It's awesome that you were able to offer your knowledge, experience, and concern for the well-being of the Mozambicans, and that you were able to learn and feel appreciated in return. I'm looking forward to chatting with you soon and hearing more details. :)

  2. I didn't know you two were doing this. That is so wonderful that you teach the people skills. What a valuable thing for them. You can't put a price on teaching someone to garden. I love it. Chad and I both said that we want to do this someday. You are an inspiration to us. thanks and keep journaling this. We look forward to hearing more.

  3. Wow...he looks so much older, and better than the pictures from your first visit. How neat to return to familiar faces and grateful friends.
