Bicycle Ambulance

Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Great Day!!

We had another awesome day full of life changing experiences.  On the way home I heard one volunteer say, "It just keeps getting better and better".  Another one said, "I feel like a million bucks right now".  
Unfortunately some of our experiences are not that positive.  For example at the baby orphanage one of our volunteers was holding a baby she had fallen in love with.  It looked to be about 6 months old but it had a full set of teeth.  Then we were informed the baby was more than a year old and was HIV positive.  Ever so slowly tears started flowing down my poor volunteers cheeks as she cradled that tiny infant in her arms.  I felt sad for the baby but my tears were for these young volunteers who are slowly realizing that life here in Mozambique is not always fair.

Then it was on to a village called Mafarina.  We were to teach sewing to the older kids there.   And teach we did!!  After a couple hours we had 50 kids happily showing off their new back packs.

This is quite an accomplishment for both the volunteers and the kids of the village.  It takes a lot of patients to teach such a complicated pattern especially when you don't speak the same language.  Even our Portuguese speakers get frustrated because many of the village kids speak a dialect that no one can understand.  So our hard work paid off.  While several of us were hard at work sewing the other volunteers kept the younger kids busy.  They pulled out the jump ropes.  African children are the best jump ropers ever.  It was amazing to watch them do their thing.
More and more kids kept showing up until there were at least 60-100.  The volunteers got them chanting football cheers.  They would mimic their words exactly.  It was loud and crazy.  It sounded like we were at a football game cheering, "We are the Vikings, the mighty mighty Vikings!!"  It was sooo fun the volunteers had a blast.  They all danced, played chase, sang songs and had an incredible time. It was another great day in Mozambique!!
Posted by Margie English

1 comment:

  1. I´m so happy that you have been so commited to Care for Life and that over the past near decade you have stayed involved. I´m sure it means a lot to the volunteers to have a group leader who has such a great passion for service, and a sincere love for the people of Moz. I´m sure that your enthusiasm goes a log way. Proud of you :)
