Bicycle Ambulance

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A day in my life in Mozambique

Days start early and quite around here as the early risers try to shower and get ready quietly while the others sleep.  Once everyone is awake life is full of laughter, singing and music.  I love my team.  

They are working hard, being driven by the love that is automatically captured once you arrive in Mozambique.  After spending our time at the baby orphanage we are off to one of the Villages that participates in the Family Preservation Program.  Our goal is to teach the many, many, many children there some type of vocational training.  Our two projects this year are weaving a small bag that could hold a cell phone. (Not that any of them have a cell phone) But they do love the bags.  They hang them around their necks with such pride.  Every once in a while a few mothers show up and want to do the projects with their kids.  They are not as enthusiastic about getting their picture taken but loved looking at it from my LCD screen.
 The next project we have been teaching the children is sewing.  This year they are hand sewing school back packs.  It's a bit more complicated but once they are completed the children are so excited.  Most of them have to carry their school supplies to school in plastic bags so they absolutely love these.
 And finally the funnest project we make are benches.  This teaches the boys woodworking skills and they come so eager to hammer these benches together.
We don't do all the projects everyday, they are spread throughout the week.  When we get home you may think we would be exhausted, which we are but there is no time to relax.  As soon as diner is over and cleaned up the party starts.  Last night we watched The Lion King and tonight has been filled with games and more music and dancing.  Then it's time to prep for the next day and get ready to make new Mozambican friends tomorrow that will forever be in our hearts.

Posted by Margie English


  1. Hahaha, those ladies look like they are ready to hurt anyone who messes with their bag.

  2. I think you did a great job capturing the day in the life of a volunteer. I love it!
